Sunday, 25 May 2014

Feeling Good as an "Ayurvedic'' DOC !!!

Feeling good

Its a tremendous feeling unlike in the beginning as an ayurveda doctor when you come to many of the patients getting cured almost completely when compared to their initial sufferings , the gain of confidence in themselves after the treatment, since many of them already have given up on life after the streotypical allopathical approach that had harmed more if not healed , the patients feel as though cheated depressed, but when after taking treatments they say “I have never ever in my life come across such a type of treatment”.
For a treatment which is four thousand years survive the modern inventions and discoveries in an era of genomes, one simple thing to understand is that these were the ways our body was meant to be treated. No other treatments even naturopathy or even physiotherapy can give such results or can even claim to. That is the greatness of Ayurveda !
Each and every concepts that ayurveda putsforward are practically perfect, in theory it may be found defective for a rational mind. Ayurveda can reduce pain , now cancer is also treated by ayurveda .
Its fulfilling as a doctor when you can treat a disesase without affecting the body. Feels good. May be I will be able to contribute a significant bit in developing my science. I dream where in ayurveda only ayurveda is done ! With only knowledge of modern sciences.

"NO SMOKING", coz there is no need to......?

Smoking ! I don wanna go into the biology and pathology of smoking. I just wanna share my views , because it may be different , may be, whoever you are, a smoker, a non smoker, a chain smoker or...the unfortunate passive smoker, you might have not thought it this way about smoking ! The passive smoker is also a smoker given that people also die as a result of passive smoking, I have seen one or two videos of a retired military person being diagnosed with vocal cord cancer, as a result of passive smoking by being with his peers who used to be chain smokers ! Thats the most cruel part about smoking. I don wanna go into the history or anyother "informations" about smoking, these are my viewpoint, how I view smoking as a social being.

Given that smoking has been recently banned in India in public places, which is a good news, smoking as a habit has not been reduced .  The smokers create as much as an air
pollution (they change the chemitry of the atmosphere according to me) , they pollute the soil the same way , the ashes and remains form little big mountains near tea shops ! You cant speak with a person after smoking cause the smell in awful, and look at his teeth, its been painted and tarred and drilled ! His face loses his innocence, the tarring of lips black is the first sign of checking if a person is a smoker or not. Smoking affects the vital capacity of a person, look at his lungs it is a hollow barrell, he cannot breathe normally, the breathing is shallow ! He catches with recurrent cough and upper respiratory tract infections and is frequently seen in medics for purchasing OTCs.

The smoker is a loner ! Even though peer groups are the one encouraging or promoting smoking ! The general idea or image created of a smoker as a manly person , mainly in the films by heros are the main reasons the younger generation being attracted towards smoking. If a person considered to lead goes behind smoking so does his followers. 

Smoking has now been considered as out of fashion thanks to the reduction in number of advertisements that the demand has reduced, tobacco has been saved. God save marijuana ! Why not try out some gentle stroll or take out to mediatation when you are lonely, recent posts in fb picturise smoking as another form of suicide ! Thats the creative part of anti-smoking campaigns, the funnier part is smokers know that ! Its not about the harms towards health that is caused by smoking but the air pollution and all that stuff. A smoke comes out of a burnt material, so a smoker literally burns his lungs ! Thats so foolish ! 

The funnier fact is that I have heard stories about even the chain smoker stopping smoking after an attack of angina( due to atherosclerosis), may be not due to smoking , some other genetic reasons, out of fear ! The change was drastic. The popular concept is that you cannot stop smoking, the craving will persist you to crave for more, you ignore the cravings you yearn for more , so you smoke a puff to stop the craving ( not for smoking cause this time you are true to yourself, or atleast)...then the vicious circle continues from the beginning when you meet old peers, or places where you have been where you smoked. Its all psychology about smoking, well nothing about pathology !

Blame the dopamines ! Only one thing so far positive about smoking as a habit i that it delays the onset of Parkinsons, blame it on dopamine once again ! Why not man take dopamine suppliments instead of resorting to nicotine and marijuanas ? 

This is not an anti-smoking campaign, but there is no need to smoke, as simple as that !



March 1, 2014 at 4:18pm
.....Supplication, worship, prayer are no superstition; they are acts more real than the acts of eating, drinking, sitting or walking.It is no exaggeration to say that they alone are real, all else is unreal.Such worship or prayer is no flight of eloquence; it is no lip homage. It springs from the heart. If therefore, we achieve that purity of heart when it is emptied of all but love., if we keep all the chords in proper tune, they trembling pass in music out of sight.Prayer needs no speech.It is itself independent of any sensous effort. I have not the slightest doubt that prayer is an unfailing means of cleansing the heart of passions.But it must be combined with utmost humility.....