Other than the classical preparations which used
to be manufactured by certain companies no other mode of drug admission was
prevalent other than in rural areas where single drugs are used to treat
diseases, but in that case too no serious researches were performed and no one
claims about results. Tinospora cordifolia, otherwise known as Guduchi, is one
of the drugs acclaimed to be effective in the treating chickun gunya, arthritis
and other endemic diseases. It is one of the main ingredients of Guducyadi
kashayam. Pappaya has recently occupied news for its evident action in dengue
haemorrhagic fever acting by increasing the platelet counts, a condition called
thrombocytopenia where there is a drastic reduction in number of platelets due
to blood loss. The effect of Wrightia tinctoria, the main ingredient of the
popularly used ayurvedic oil called 777oil and Psora oil , is needless to say,
as the psoriatic lesions get cured completely, paving way for new skin.
Sarpagandha, known by the scientific name Rawolfia serpentina, is another drug
that has been used in Ayurvedic patent medicenes for the management of mild to
moderate hypertension. The advent of patent proprietary Ayurvedic drugs have
resulted in more and more patients approaching Ayurvedic doctors as the
decoctions or the “kashayams” as it is called are bitter to taste and that
these yeild better results when compared to the classical drugs. Ayurveda also
claims to cure small to moderate kidney stones by using only herbal
preparations and dieuretics. A special variety of Ayurvedic pancakarma
treatment called Sirodhara, where the oil is poured over the fore head, has
been very effective in treating chronic insomnia and other psychiatric and
psychologic problems ranging from depression and anxiety to schizophrenia. So
far Ayurveda has been able to succesfully manage lumbar spondylosis, cervical
spondylosis, osteoarthritis knee, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis,
psoriasis, scleroderma, guillain barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis,
demyelinating neuropathies, spine related fractures, hemiparesis, cerebro
spinal atrophy and other orthopaedic and neurologcal cases.
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