Nothing in this universe can be taken for granted ! The first law of thermodynamics states that mass and energy in this universe are constant, they can only change forms, so what vanishes appears as energy either as heat, light or sound ! It is this very same entropy or to put it in simple words , the randomness that is responsible for creation of the sun, the solar system, the earth , the life and eventually the human beings. To me creation of humans means that universe began to feel itself, that to me is like humans are the cephalic area of the universe while the rest are its appendages, cause among all life forms we only are aware about our existence. I suppose this theory of existence as absurd, cause according to the second law of thermodynamics, the entropy increases, so everything undergoes change, starts to rust and deteriorate ! So you and me are just a temporary phenomena gazing at this vast creation, before the screen till the show is gonna be over ! According to science life is a self duplicating molecule that arose out of complexity of chemical reactions 1 billion years after the creation of earth, remember that earth was created 4.5 billion years ago. So all those concepts of god , as the one who controls everything is just a myth ! No body controls here, everything happens out of the vastness of permutations and combination,, that is creation , that is fate. There is nothing such as truth and lie when it comes to the universe ! There is only, if there is there is anything, is the truth, or since it is ever changing we may call it as an illusion or what indian philosophies call it as maya. Spirituality and Science are no different , they are in fact two sides of the same coin. The former says us to experience while the latter invokes us to know ! It is easier to experience than to know , orelse how come we would be able to decode the billions and billions of processes that happened earlier ? So it is always safer to be on the spiritual side, but the mind thinks too much which must be abolished to feel and get in tandem with that frequency,, or whatever bullshitz they call as meditation ! Meditation is the true awareness, awareness of internal processes, of looking into ones own self, although it is much beyond closing your eyes and sitting in a comfortable position in a calm amd serene atmosphere. Concentration becomes the pivotal part of meditation. If god were to exist, he can change gravitational force at his will, he can increase the charge of neutrons, mass of electrons, defy every logics, but these do seldom happen ! So God exists because humans exist ! In the Universe there are no Gods, only Laws, undeniable laws ! If you throw an apple it has to fall down, unless you throw it so farther as to escape the gravitational feild , lest to make it revole around the earth as satellite ! In such a case what are the imporatance of thoughts ? That is why spirituality gives so little importance to thoughts ! It concentrates on eventuality, it looks things as a whole , not as molecules by molecules, when your doubts increase, just agitating your mind, just to die restlessly, contributing to inventions and discoveries that pose harm in the hands of perverts ! So science and spirituality must coincide for the betterment of humans, in a condition where we can only understand things but not change it . Changing it would mean providing ourselves with lesser and lesser chances of survival ! The law for the universe is applicable for the entire objects present in it, but there is also a law for the nature, a seemingly subtle force when compared to the vastness of universe, but important and unavoidable when it comes to life , especially us humans, as we are the part of nature and there is no us without it ! So more and more studies must be carried out on this interaction between the universe and nature and the boundaries and reactions between them ! We are bound to the laws of nature as we are bound to the laws of the universe, but in our day today lives we seldom feel these laws of universe governing us, but do feel the control of nature over us in the forms of diseases and calamities. So nature is our nearest influencer while universe is an all pervading one ! This duality of universe and nature might be the concepts lying behind purusha and prakruti in sankhya indian philosophy that gave rose to ayurveda and atharvaveda ! As an experiential science vedas must be followed in our lives with discrimination and thorough research for our own betterment, cause they deal with these laws, the happening ones, not go behind what is happening as in science. So as such the vedas can make things happen, while science cannot ! According to heisenbergs principle the existence of matter is uncertain at the micro level, this is a major limitation of the science. Through ages , science has been trying to explain all the phenomena that happens around us, classifying them into physics, chemistry and biology, which is in reality logical answers to fill the voids in our understanding. But knowing the fact that our perception is limited, it is necessary to change the purpose of science. Why does racism still exist when science has proved it to be a total absurd ? Why do people smoke when science says it is harmful ? Sceince is not the solution, adaptation of our mind to the reality is that which is the most important ! Not all scientists are saints, but I would like to view some of them as Noble souls ! Who saved humanity ! Let science pave the way for peace ! Let science pave the way for righteousness !
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