Wednesday, 5 November 2014

We need Pathology and Psychology included in our curricula !!!

We live in a modern world, we are susceptible for forgetting our past, many of the present unexplained behavioural patterns, such as right handedness being predominant, are infact reminiscence of our ancient past if not remote ! I said this because, we will forget and leave everything that does not suit our present logic and understanding, so unless and untill ayurveda is going to be modernised, it is going to be forgotten,,,(to be expressed may be in our behaviours...or so !!! ), so...the matter is that while practising i find an increasing need for one to know the pathology, if not the symptomatology of the disease, for that case , while i am treating a case of inflammatory arthritis of knee, the effect of vasodilation will be known only if i had previously studied about the vascular changes in inflammation, so that i don't need any reaserch works to prove the efficacy of dharas and choorna swedas. The information regarding the transdermal action of oils has given me confidence to convince satisfactorily "logical patients", for others just a psychological relief will do. You cannot treat any disease with tridosas alone, and I think the NEED FOR INCLUDING PATHOLOGY is important as far as BAMS SYLLABUS is concerned. Dedicate a single paper on modern pathology alone, like you did for kriya and rachana sareera which occupy 4 papers. Not a single question regarding a pathology (pure pathology i mean) have i faced during the 33 papers of BAMS examinations that i have faced (with symphathy...ofcourse!!!). No wonder bams doctors are a failure ! They are made that way, its not the problem of ayurvedic medicines, its that students are provided with inadequate datas so as to level up with the reasoning of a common man ! Its a horrible scenario for a new doctor. But you must take interest to study pathology for the sake of "inquisitiveness" that will take you places. Give importance for clinics, practise and aquiring knowledge.

The next thing to be INCLUDED IN BAMS SYLLABUS, would be.....any guesses ? It would be the least expected, because we expect biochemistry, as we are aping the MBBS, common ....we are dealing with ayurvedic pharmacoepia, and I think daeling with chebulinic acid, and the likes is ...adequate as far as ayurvedic drugs are concerned. (For that, I think dravya guna vijnana is best ). It is nothing but PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHOTHERAPY anyway you call it ! Yes, it is of primary importance, given the fact that a majority of the ayurvedic patients are psychologically affected which gives the more scope for placebos to act, anyway it works, who cares if it was a placebo effect or not ? Understanding the basics of human psychology and completing classes in counselling and psychotherapy will do a hell of good to all ayurvedic practitioners, no doubt. You will be able to converse with the patient better and understand his problems better, the root of the problems always lies in the hidden pores of the sub-conscious and un-conscious.

So I hope the concerned authorites take necessary action in implementing these changes in the curricula which I feel are an emergency requirement ! Psychology and Pathology !!!

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